BodyTalk OnLine Book
BodyTalk Book

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10


Chapter 2

Innate Wisdom

The body has an innate wisdom which, when allowed, can heal the body at all levels.

To those of you who have been investigating alternative medicine, this statement seems obvious. However, I challenge you to really think about what the statement means because I feel that we have often neglected to realize just how powerfully we can tap into the innate wisdom of the body.

We all know that the body has a built-in mechanism to initiate the healing process in normal day to day activity. If we cut ourselves, the body immediately sets up a process to start healing the wound. This occurs at all levels - physical, emotional, and mental. Although this is obvious to everyone of us, my experience is that most systems of healing do not give full credence to just how wonderful the human mechanism really is - or to its potential. 

We are very quick to step in and play God by subjecting the body to our personal diagnosis and telling the body how to heal itself because of our perceived superior knowledge of the healing process. Granted, you may say that you only step in when the body is failing to do its job. However, the body is only failing in its job because its communications systems have been severely compromised through the stresses of life and all the interference being superimposed upon this dynamic system. Once you reestablish a good communication system between all the various parts of the body, the body can and will heal except in extreme emergency situations. 

The trouble is that up to now the focus has not been on communication. The focus has been to repair the parts that appear to be trouble and hope that the body can then get the parts to synchronize. The new paradigm states that the focus should be on restoring the synchronization and the body will repair its own parts rapidly. The resultant dynamic energy configuration will allow the parts to quickly return to normal synchronized activity within the bodymind complex and its environment.

Mankind has blown its knowledge of the workings of the body out of all proportion. Because we have learned a great deal about the physiological processes of the body, we tend to think that we can play God because of this knowledge. In recent years it is becoming increasingly obvious that our knowledge of the workings of the body is still at a kindergarten level. You may point to many textbooks that show an enormous wealth of knowledge and puff your chests up with pride at the immense amount of information we have accumulated about the body, but that is like looking at an encyclopedia and saying that the big encyclopedia has all the knowledge of the world contained in it. The knowledge is just a drop in the ocean. 

Everyday we receive more and more evidence of just how intricate a system the bodymind complex is. The immense interrelationships between all the different components of body at the physical level, the energy systems, the environmental factors influencing the body, and the mental and emotional components all creative a complex symphony of interrelationships that we are only beginning to scratch the surface of. The joke behind all this is that we think we have the knowledge to tell the body how to do its job when it has been doing that job successfully for millions of years. How arrogant can we get!

But, you might say, there are times when it fails to do that job and needs help. This is true, but the type of help it has been getting is not what it really wants for most problems. 

The real problem facing the body is in the way our life styles, culture, and technology have interfered with the natural processes and compromised the communication networks that enable it to coordinate the billions of synchronized activities per second necessary to maintain optimum health.

The BodyTalk paradigm for the future of medicine is that we once again start respecting the awesome innate knowledge of the body and learn to utilize that knowledge by working with it rather than imposing our pathetic, childish knowledge upon it.
To Chapter 3 Top of Page
Reproduced with permission from John Veltheim,